Sunday, 30 June 2019

Salamanders Funko Pop

Yesterday was Warhammer day, and games workshop released a few limited things in celebration. One of those was a "paint your own" Space Marine Funko Pop.
My favourite chapter wasn't available when they released the prepainted unlimited ones, so it seemed like it would be a fun little project to paint a Salamander with a very large head.

I really like how he came out, I freehanded some fire onto him, and I think it worked well. I also think it is sort of apparent how much practice I have had painting fire.

His back is less interesting than his front, but thoroughness demands I show you anyway.

Phil also painted a Funko Pop, his is a Crimson Fist, you can read about it on his blog.
I like the picture of them together.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Noise Marine

A little while ago, Games Workshop released this noise marine, I don't collect emperors children, or even particularly love Slaanesh, but I really like this miniature, so I decided to buy it just to paint.

I painted the whole marine with bright colours and gradients before painting black over quite a lot of it, the new contrast paints worked really well for that, I started the mini before they came out but then put him down for ages, so the bright colours are about half contrast and half traditional.

Some other angles just to show a few more of the colours and patterns, I'm quite pleased with how this guy came out.